Sales Team
Filter by location to find who best to serve you or, if you prefer, scroll down this list of top-notch professionals to find a Won-Door sales team member committed to making your experience smooth and seamless.
District Sales Managers
Won-Door’s District Sales Managers stand ready to assist you in any number of tasks as you work your way through the pre-design and design phases all the way through bidding, award and beyond. If, instead, your locale includes one of Won-Door’s Architectural Consultants, you’re in luck… they also know what they’re talking about.

Becky Beau
District Sales Manager
Locations:Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York (NYC & Long Island), New York (Upstate), Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

Jeremy Jasper
District Sales Manager
(801) 618-5864
Locations:Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
David Larsen
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6514
Locations:Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana (Northern), Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas (Northern)
Sean Morris
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6506
Locations:Alaska, California (Northern), Idaho (Western), Nevada (Northern), Oregon, Washington
Cameron Morrissette
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6527
Locations:California (Southern)
Dan Mueller
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6512
Locations:Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Tom Nordquist
District Sales Manager
(801) 718-0620
Locations:Arizona, Colorado, Idaho (Eastern), Montana, Nevada (Southern), New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Jeff O’Brien
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6516
Locations:Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
Heath Spence
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6526
Locations:Louisiana (Southern), Texas (Southern)
Mark Stade
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6509
Locations:Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tenessee
Architectural Consultants
Product education, design consultation, code interpretation, and every stage right up to project bidding are the everyday responsibilities of Won-Door’s skilled and knowledgeable Architectural Consultants. If an Architectural Consultant isn’t assigned to your location, never fear. You’ll be able to discuss all things Won-Door with one of our seasoned District Sales Managers… they’re pretty good too.
Robert Hannegan
Architectural Consultant
(657) 650-9290
Locations:California (Southern), United States
Ben Snell
Architectural Consultant
(215) 589-2896
Locations:Hawaii, New Jersey, New York (Upstate), Pennsylvania
Maria Dominguez
Architectural Consultant
(210) 461-3502
Locations:Louisiana (Southern), Texas (Southern)
Mary Pate
Architectural Consultant
(801) 708-6517
Locations:Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia
Gary Solomon
Architectural Consultant
(516) 287-6377
Locations:New York (NYC & Long Island)
Are you in Canada? Take a look at these trained & certified distributors for all of your fire, security and sound partition needs!
Overhead Door of Grande Prairie
Northern Alberta, Northern British Columbia
(780) 532-9350
Outside the U.S. or Canada? Reach out to one of Won-Door’s trusted and certified international distributor partners in your area. No representative in your region? No worries, Won-Door’s corporate office in Salt Lake City, UT, USA is there to assist.
Beehive Folding Partitions
+44 (0)1609 883 882
Locations:United Kingdom
Gliderol International (Me) Fze
Middle East
+971 6 526 1680
Suzuki Shutter (Macau) Company Limited
China (Macau)
(853) 2875-5861