Sales Team
Filter by location to find who best to serve you or, if you prefer, scroll down this list of top-notch professionals to find a Won-Door sales team member committed to making your experience smooth and seamless.
District Sales Managers
Won-Door’s District Sales Managers stand ready to assist you in any number of tasks as you work your way through the pre-design and design phases all the way through bidding, award and beyond. If, instead, your locale includes one of Won-Door’s Architectural Consultants, you’re in luck… they also know what they’re talking about.

Becky Beau
District Sales Manager
Locations:Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York (NYC & Long Island), New York (Upstate), Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

Jeremy Jasper
District Sales Manager
(801) 618-5864
Locations:Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
David Larsen
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6514
Locations:Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana (Northern), Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas (Northern)
Sean Morris
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6506
Locations:Alaska, California (Northern), Idaho (Western), Nevada (Northern), Oregon, Washington
Cameron Morrissette
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6527
Locations:California (Southern)
Dan Mueller
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6512
Locations:Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Tom Nordquist
District Sales Manager
(801) 718-0620
Locations:Arizona, Colorado, Idaho (Eastern), Montana, Nevada (Southern), New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Jeff O’Brien
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6516
Locations:Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
Heath Spence
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6526
Locations:Louisiana (Southern), Texas (Southern)
Mark Stade
District Sales Manager
(801) 708-6509
Locations:Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tenessee
Architectural Consultants
Product education, design consultation, code interpretation, and every stage right up to project bidding are the everyday responsibilities of Won-Door’s skilled and knowledgeable Architectural Consultants. If an Architectural Consultant isn’t assigned to your location, never fear. You’ll be able to discuss all things Won-Door with one of our seasoned District Sales Managers… they’re pretty good too.
Robert Hannegan
Architectural Consultant
(657) 650-9290
Locations:California (Southern), United States
Ben Snell
Architectural Consultant
(215) 589-2896
Locations:Hawaii, New Jersey, New York (Upstate), Pennsylvania
Maria Dominguez
Architectural Consultant
(210) 461-3502
Locations:Louisiana (Southern), Texas (Southern)
Mary Pate
Architectural Consultant
(801) 708-6517
Locations:Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia
Gary Solomon
Architectural Consultant
(516) 287-6377
Locations:New York (NYC & Long Island)
School Security Executives
The School Security Executive’s singular purpose at Won-Door is to ensure that every existing K-12 facility in the country is afforded an opportunity to retrofit their buildings with the most robust accordion folding security door on the market. Molding the minds of the next generation is rewarding, but tough. Let’s make sure the security of your schools is easy.
Paul Sheppard
School Security Executive
(385) 441-9255
Locations:Alabama, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana (Southern), Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tenessee, Texas (Southern), Virginia, West Virginia
Patrick Colaluca
School Security Executive
(801) 573-9632
Locations:Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana (Northern), Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas (Northern), Vermont, Wisconsin
Are you in Canada? Take a look at these trained & certified distributors for all of your fire, security and sound partition needs!
Overhead Door of Grande Prairie
Northern Alberta, Northern British Columbia
(780) 532-9350
Outside the U.S. or Canada? Reach out to one of Won-Door’s trusted and certified international distributor partners in your area. No representative in your region? No worries, Won-Door’s corporate office in Salt Lake City, UT, USA is there to assist.
Beehive Folding Partitions
+44 (0)1609 883 882
Locations:United Kingdom
Gliderol International (Me) Fze
Middle East
+971 6 526 1680
Suzuki Shutter (Macau) Company Limited
China (Macau)
(853) 2875-5861