Please contact your local District Manager if your project requires any of the following:
These are the options for different models of Won-Door Products.
Some of the following choices are dependent on what is selected here.
Flat lead post option includes an integrated pocket cover door.
Narrow can have pocket cover door that is "by others".
Curves usually increase stack.
Curve doors usually increase pocket width as well.
If Single Parting: Distance from face of pocket to strike wall.
Distance from finished door to bottom of plenum walls.
Ensure at least 12" from bottom of plenums to first obstacle above.
S: For smoke and draft
SE: If door is used at the point of access to an elevator
Includes rigid jamb stop, high-use track, anti-sway brackets, electromagnetic brake, and a key switch.
These intermediate devices can be placed along the length of the door.
Each typically adds 2 inches of stack.